.. _policies_linking: Linking Policy ============== Introduction ------------ The linking policy in WirePlumber is the logic charged to link a PipeWire stream node with a PipeWire device node (most cases), or with another PipeWire stream node (monitoring applications). PipeWire stream nodes always have one of the following media classes: - Stream/Output/Audio: For audio playback applications (Eg pw-play). - Stream/Input/Audio: For audio capture applications (Eg pw-record). - Stream/Input/Video: For video capture applications (Eg cheese). And Pipewire device nodes always have one of the following media classes: - Audio/Sink: For audio playback devices (Eg Speakers). - Audio/Source: For audio capture devices (Eg Microphones). - Video/Source: For video capture devices (Eg Cameras). By default, since in most cases we want to link a stream node with a device node, the linking policy logic when linking 2 nodes always follows the following assignments: .. graphviz:: digraph nodes { rankdir=LR; APS [shape=box label=