Module pipewire::channel

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This module provides a channel for communicating with a thread running a pipewire loop. The channel is split into two types, Sender and Receiver.

It can be created using the channel function. The returned receiver can then be attached to a pipewire loop, and the sender can be used to send messages to the receiver.


This program will print “Hello” three times before terminating, using two threads:

use std::{time::Duration, sync::mpsc, thread};
use pipewire::main_loop::MainLoop;

// Our message to the pipewire loop, this tells it to terminate.
struct Terminate;

fn main() {
    let (main_sender, main_receiver) = mpsc::channel();
    let (pw_sender, pw_receiver) = pipewire::channel::channel();

    let pw_thread = thread::spawn(move || pw_thread(main_sender, pw_receiver));

    // Count up to three "Hello"'s.
    let mut n = 0;
    while n < 3 {
        println!("{}", main_receiver.recv().unwrap());
        n += 1;

    // We printed hello 3 times, terminate the pipewire thread now.


// This is the code that will run in the pipewire thread.
fn pw_thread(
    main_sender: mpsc::Sender<String>,
    pw_receiver: pipewire::channel::Receiver<Terminate>
) {
    let mainloop = MainLoop::new(None).expect("Failed to create main loop");

    // When we receive a `Terminate` message, quit the main loop.
    let _receiver = pw_receiver.attach(mainloop.loop_(), {
        let mainloop = mainloop.clone();
        move |_| mainloop.quit()

    // Every 100ms, send `"Hello"` to the main thread.
    let timer = mainloop.loop_().add_timer(move |_| {
        Some(Duration::from_millis(1)), // Send the first message immediately



  • Create a Sender-Receiver pair, where the sender can be used to send messages to the receiver.